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Region of Gifu Prefecture, sex and locality

Gifu Prefecture and its surroundings is what region?

Gifu castleKinkazan of Gifu castle
Region of Gifu Prefecture, has been chosen one of the central provinces in the area, Nagano Prefecture and borders in the East. Often also classified as part of the Chukyo region and Aichi Prefecture, bordering on the South side ties. North in a place called Hida province, known for having unique gourmet Pak leaves with miso and rice cake. Gifu station and the money she is especially important when talking about Gifu station and building-specific. This was the castle town of Gifu castle with Gifu station in Gifu Prefectural capital is originally a shrine atop Mt. Kinka. To further wells, called the mouth, had been dominated by Saitō Dōsan. Geology of the Mt. Kinka consists in the chart harder than iron and can be affected by the erosion of the Nagara River flowing through Gifu city. As a result, vast nobi plain during the Mt. Kinka and orphaned at Monadnock State, becomes a natural fortress.

This area Nobunaga knew this character was taking again the entry point to the person who named Gifu. Ogaki station area also important with the building name of station or specific. Is called water city Ogaki, in various parts of the city are a number of artesian water that is famous. It is famous for its castle was originally central to Ogaki Castle, became an important base in the battle of Sekigahara. It is popular as a tourist attraction today, and maintained as Ogaki Park, located within walking distance from Ogaki station on. In Gifu Prefecture and maintained the nakasen-do, tend to sanjō ōhashi in Kyoto, Shiga Prefecture Pant through. There are altogether 17 post in Gifu Prefecture and extends to 126.5 km total length.
Magome-Juku representative town, including cobbled an Ochiai in the Middle, is rich in attractions. For towers above a long Hotaka mountain range on the border of Gifu and Nagano prefectures, is a place of longing for climbers. That the missionaries came from the West during the Meiji era, and introduced as the Japan Alps, became famous in the world. Shin-Hotaka ropeway is maintained in Takayama city, Gifu Prefecture by novice climbers can even views of the Northern Alps.

Map of Gifu Prefecture and traffic statistics