
Japanese Fuzoku

Four languages

The one younger than 18 years, please leave this place>>

Japanese, English, Chinese, the indication of Korean that paid more attention to the 'Fuzoku Bookmark' world if I look for 'Fuzoku' information support a certain four languages!

I search Japanese 'Fuzoku' information from the place

For the genre fans made like customs information site

Red light district
It is a portal site for national customs information. Manners and customs of Japan, such as Special Representative of unending ever-increasing non-store type Customs (kyabakura), store-customs typical of health SOAP leave your website!
Completely covers up the famous still from the store don't know your hidden area.
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Turn your eyes to the world! sex portal world's first? The response of four countries

The genre is also one of Japan's famous culture. Trend of globalization is coming even now Japan is going to increase Olympic pick up more speed! corresponds with only domestic users look to users from outside countries is for Japan language to display in the "English", "Chinese" "Korea," of course.

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